In 1st picture our all volunteers with some slums children In 2nd picture Claudius and Annabel with children In 3rd picture Somit is teaching all kids.
In this last few days of this month we are doing survey work for working slums children and our 4 volunteers are also helping. their name are Claudius and Annabel from Germany, Kito Dias form Brazil, Linda from Netherlands. Our main aim was here for sending message in the society and everywhere that education is very important for the children and also we explained the kids that if they will take education then they would be more smart and everyone will give respect.
in first day of Survey we went morning time at Raja Ghat and we looked there some children are making clay pots for selling we all talked with them and they said they do't want to come because they have no money we explained them we are from NGO and we give free education and better life guideline after knowing these lines they excited and said please talked our father after discuss he has also agreed. Same day evening time we went near Dasaswamedh ghat and collected some kids who were selling postcard and begging. Our all Volunteers have given very good support with us . Thanks a lot for your kind help, still now children are coming and getting education morning and evening time.