Thursday, July 21, 2022

A Nonprofit That Empowers Kids Of India Volunteering Program , Varanasi

A Nonprofit That Empowers Kids Of India Volunteering Program , Varanasi .

Our kids have phenomenal potential . As You can see in these Picture

Lovely Kids From Varanasi India Volunteering Program after the activity in picture .

Life for low-caste villagers in rural India is a vicious cycle of oppression, kept in motion by illiteracy and lack of opportunity. We are Trying To give best what we can do by give education support . 

Many of our students would have been destined to follow in their parents’ footsteps if not
for India Volunteering Program , With support from our nonprofit for children, they have overcome enormous challenges and excel inside and outside of the classroom.

Varanasi Voloulnteering & Yoga Program , India , works to equip our children with an education that supports their interests and builds a foundation for their future.