Here children are study well and they are coming everyday . and they are enjoying the education and also we have gotton volunteer for the school and right now we have one italan volunteer stefiano , and two usa volunteer also here amanda and her boyfriend are giving education to the children right now . Stefiano he is very good in art so he teach art , and amanda she has good knowledge of teacher , and she knows how to teach kids it is very good for the kids and also good for us ... we are taking her teaching experience two more days they will be here and after that they will out side varanasi ...
varanasi weather is full of humidity and too much hot . Ganga water is not coming high level ... usually every year it comes very high and all the stair it goes downside of the water but this year still now it did not happen and rain is also not falling everything is now going very expensive in varanasi because nothting is production on the field ,,,no vegitable no fruit only stock product is selling in high price . every varanasi poor people right in now problem .
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