Our Ngo group voluteering work is published in the Hindustan Times, Varanasi. Last Saturday 22 October there was a Group of 13 Yogis, As you can read also in News paper Aritcles, They are all student of Swami Saraswati, (famous Yoga Teacher, Australia) from Swami Saraswati Rejuvenation Resort, Australia.
All 13 Yogis are taking yoga class from me, They all are very good Yoga Students with good thoughts and energy.
Yoga Teacher Australia , Swami Saraswati is distributing Clothes to small kids of our school.
All Children seem very glad after getting Clothes from Australian group, as you can see in these pictures, we are thankful for this group.
Mr. Sanjay, yoga teacher from Australia is also distributing clothes to small kids, he is a young yoga teacher with positive helping thoughts.
Swami Saraswati Rejuvenation Resort students are distributing clothes and giving million dollars happiness for these helpless kids with beautiful smile.
The group is with kids and spending beautiful time for our organization.
Good work... Thanks for Australian Team..